California Poppy Seedles

Pack Size

Homegrown Sunshine

California Poppies are a bumble bee's bouncy-house. Watch with delight as these fumbly bumbly bees dive bomb the poppies, do repeated somersaults and buzz off to the next one. These striking fluorescent orange flowers add a splash of vibrant color to your space while providing the perfect playground for honey bees and native bees to tank up on much needed pollen, the potent plant protein source they need to thrive.

These orange beauties are native to many of the states in the US and are particularly hardy once established. We tossed a few of these wildflower seed balls into our front yard and a few months later we had 30+ poppy flowers shining back at us during their daily sun salutations. We can't help but smile when we see them, they just have that power to put a big fat grin across your face.

Each California Poppy Wildflower (Eschscholzia californica) seed ball contains 10-25 california poppy seeds. We recommend planting them about one per square foot for a meadow look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which states are these California Poppy Seed Balls native to?

A: Check out the handy map below. You can grow them in other states, they just won't be considered native and may not grow as well.

Q: Do I really just throw them on the ground?

A: In short, yes.

The optimum planting time depends upon your climate and average rainfall. In areas with colder winters, spring or early summer seeding is best. Spring plantings should be done as soon as the planting area can be worked, but after the last frost. Early summer plantings should only be done if rainfall patterns are anticipated or supplemental irrigation is available. 

“Dormant” seeding can be done in late fall when temperatures are low enough that the seeds will not germinate until weather warms the following spring. In mild climates, plant fall through spring, to take advantage of winter rainfall. A fall planting allows the plants to develop and provide an earlier display of flowers in the spring. If planted in spring, make certain rainfall is expected; otherwise, supplemental irrigation will need to be supplied.

Q: What are the growing instructions for California Poppies?

A: These easy going, drought-tolerant plants are a favorite for use in container gardens, mixed beds, rock gardens and water-wise landscapes.

Sunlight: Full sun
Maturity: 55-75 days from seed to flower
Height: 4 to 12 inches
Spacing: 6 to 12 inches apart in all directions

Site Preparation:

California Poppies like a rich, fast draining soil, with ample water and plenty of sunshine. Don't worry though, they are hardy and will tolerate poor soil conditions and some drought once established. Work a shovelful or two of well-aged manure or organic compost into the soil prior to planting to improve soil conditions and help promote abundant blooms. Then plant seed balls half-way into the soil with spacing as indicated above. Water daily until they are 4-6" tall, unless rains will provide ample water (such as in the spring or fall).

Q: How many do I need for my space? 

A: Each Seedle contains between 5 and 25 wildflower seeds depending on the flower variety and their germination rate. Each Seedle can cover up to 1 square foot of space, but for a denser look of flower place 3-4 per square foot.

Q: How Big Are They? 

A: Each Seedle is the size of a nickel, some are slightly smaller, some bigger.

Q: How many seeds are on each ball?

A: Each of our seed balls contains between 10 and 25 wildflower seeds depending on the flower variety and their germination rate.


Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews

Not sure how to rate these. Not one came, I guess I’ll wait until next year and review later


Planted according to directions. Never sprouted.

Hey Ron, thank you for letting us know about your Seedles journey. Sometimes even if we follow instructions it just does not work out the way it's supposed to be and I apologize for that and I want to make things right, by that we are sending you a full replacement, as well as additional care instructions.

Most of the time we have noticed Seedles do not grow as well because they dry out, or are watered less frequently than needed. Trust that if you water daily (twice daily in dry areas), they will grow into beautiful blooms. The nature of wildflowers is that some take up to 3-27 days to germinate, which is longer than most people expect, but once they are established they provide color and blooms for years to come.


I’ll let you know in spring!

Melanie A Coon (Omaha, United States)

Love your seedless just starting to grow

Karen F. Bradford (Phoenix, United States)
Love these little gems

Your selection is awesome. The packaging is perfect.
I'll let you know if they come up this spring.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews

Not sure how to rate these. Not one came, I guess I’ll wait until next year and review later


Planted according to directions. Never sprouted.

Hey Ron, thank you for letting us know about your Seedles journey. Sometimes even if we follow instructions it just does not work out the way it's supposed to be and I apologize for that and I want to make things right, by that we are sending you a full replacement, as well as additional care instructions.

Most of the time we have noticed Seedles do not grow as well because they dry out, or are watered less frequently than needed. Trust that if you water daily (twice daily in dry areas), they will grow into beautiful blooms. The nature of wildflowers is that some take up to 3-27 days to germinate, which is longer than most people expect, but once they are established they provide color and blooms for years to come.


I’ll let you know in spring!

Melanie A Coon (Omaha, United States)

Love your seedless just starting to grow

Karen F. Bradford (Phoenix, United States)
Love these little gems

Your selection is awesome. The packaging is perfect.
I'll let you know if they come up this spring.