Sold Out 9.90
Check out our - 20 balls and 50 balls size package of Seed Balls as well
These homemade wildflower seed balls are the cutest seeds ever! Imagine your backyard filled with wildflowers, bees buzzing in and out, butterflies stopping by to enjoy the abundance of colors. Seedles make this possible. Each Seedle contains a different wildflower that is native to your region. We marvel at this traditional method for sowing your valuable seeds in balls of clay that protect seeds from hungry birds and increase your flowers' success. It's a carefree gift for a lazy gardener. Just throw it and grow it.
Let us take the guesswork out of choosing the right native wildflower seeds for you. Just locate the region you will be planting them in from the map below and then select that region in the dropdown menu above to purchase. Have a question?, just contact us and we'll be glad to help.
(see below for a listing of flower varieties for each region)
Seedles Gifts are a unique, eco-friendly, grow your own gift for baby showers, weddings and parties. They are the perfect party favor with a purpose as you'll be joining a community who is trying to grow over one million wildflowers for the declining bee populations. Have fun with these little wildflower bombs which will emerge as bursts of blooms anywhere you toss them.
Each pack contains 9 rainbow colored wildflower seed balls filled with native seeds.
Q: Do I really just throw them on the ground?
A: In short, yes.
The optimum planting time depends upon your climate and average rainfall. In areas with colder winters, spring or early summer seeding is best. Spring plantings should be done as soon as the planting area can be worked, but after the last frost. Early summer plantings should only be done if rainfall patterns are anticipated or supplemental irrigation is available. We recommend you plant when temperatures are on average 65* F or above during the 2-3 week germination period.
“Dormant” seeding can be done in late fall when temperatures are low enough that the seeds will not germinate until weather warms the following spring. In mild climates, plant fall through spring, to take advantage of winter rainfall. A fall planting allows the plants to develop and provide an earlier display of flowers in the spring. If planted in spring, make certain rainfall is expected; otherwise, supplemental irrigation will need to be supplied.
Q: How many do I need for my space?
A: Each Seedle contains between 20 and 35 wildflower seeds depending on the flower variety and their germination rate. Each Seedle can cover up to 1 square foot of space, but for a denser look of flower place 3-4 per square foot.
Q: How Big Are They?
A: Each Seedle is the size of a nickel, some are slightly smaller, some bigger.
Q: Which varieties of flowers are there?
A: We take the guess work out of the equation for you. We select annual and perennial native flowers that work in your bioregion based on the address you ask us to ship to. If you have an alternative destination in mind, let us know, we can make a blend for that location too!
Type: Seedles